Complementary & Integrative Modality (CIM) Health Certificate Course

TheCIINDE is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


ANCC Contact Hours Awarded upon Successful Completion of Course.

The Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Ltd. © {TheCIINDE© – pronounced KIND} was born in 2020. The year 2020 was named the year of the nurse by the World Health Organization, and this was also serendipitously when we launched TheCIINDE©. Since then, we have expanded our offerings, achieved multiple accreditations and have a growing number of graduates. We could not have foreseen how needed and well-received our offerings and services would be! We wake up every day with a grateful heart and a deeper desire to continue to collaborate with other nurses and healthcare professionals to create a world where whole health and well-being are the norm. 

What is a CIM?

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2023), complementary approaches are non-mainstream approaches used integratively with conventional medicine to complement care in a coordinated way. Integrative health refers to the use two or more interventions/modalities/approaches (i.e. medication, psychotherapy, yoga, accupuncture, probiotics) used in various combinations with the emphasis being on treating the whole person-mind and body-as opposed to only symptoms or organs. Holistic nursing recognizes the inclusion of spiritual health and ones internal and external environment.

Research continues to demonstrate the benefits of an integrative health approach in pain management, mental health, disease-related symptoms and in improving and promoting healthy behaviors.

At TheCIINDE©, we believe that healing, or coming to a place of balance and harmony, is a unique and authentic process. It encompasses our individual stories, life patterns, fears, traumas, belief systems, thoughts, ancestors, lineage, and energetic programming; and, is the sum of every single choice, lesson, and life experience we have. Therefore, we believe we should not compare any aspect of our journey to that of anyone else. We are each so bio-energetically different that our response to diet, medications, supplements and lifestyle is radically individualized. 

At TheCIINDE ©, we support individuals in recognizing and tuning into their own innate intelligence, and finding freedom in their bodymind, and spirit. True freedom occurs when we realize our boundless potential and when we observe our body’s capacity to heal itself.  

With a growing emphasis on our collective and global health, TheCIINDE© is committed to creating a global community of nurses who support, encourage, and inspire one another to enhance the overall well-being of both themselves and the collective. As we revive the heART of nursing, we envision a world where nurses honor nurses, support one another, and advocate for adopting a lifestyle where self-care is embedded in everything they do. We can shift how we reflect on our health as we care for ourselves as individuals, as families, and as a global community. We can find new and innovative ways to strengthen our commitment to caring and living wholeheartedly, while collaborating with other healthcare practitioners to promote healthy people on a healthy planet.

What to Expect

This course was created primarily for nurses, by nurses; and, therefore has a strong reference to nursing practice. Having said that, the content, information and tools are designed to benefit all healthcare practitioners interested in expanding their personal and clinical knowledge and care; and, layperson’s who want to better understand how CIMs can improve their quality of life.

As you proceed through the course, you will notice that although each module represents a different topic, the approaches and modalities complement one another! For example, Breathwork can be practised solely on its own (and, has a module dedicated solely to it); yet, add Aromatherapy to Breathwork and you are guaranteed to enhance your experience!  

Note: Most people are used to the term CAMs or Complementary and ALTERNATIVE Modalities. At TheCIINDE(C), we intentionally use the word ‘INTEGRATIVE’ instead of ‘ALTERNATIVE’. Although we do not deny that some modalities or approaches can be used as an alternative to medications or medical treatment (such as yoga, breathwork, cannabis and/or meditation for pain management), it is not our intention or mandate to suggest alternatives. We respect and are grateful for what modern medicine has to offer.  

Our intention is to educate and empower individuals so that they can make healthy choices that include approaches that support health and wellbeing and that can complement and enhance medical care when it is deemed necessary. Holistic care is prone to scepticism when it is touted an alternative. Our goal is to use terminology and approaches that integrate multiple ways of caring and achieving optimal health and well-being. 

Learning Objectives


What’s in Each Module?

Duration of Course

Given the nature of this course, it is designed to be completed at your own pace. Some modules are longer than other requiring more time to complete; and, some modules will grab your attention more than others. Having said this, it is up to you how deep you choose to dive in and how much time you choose to dedicate to any one given topic. 

Final Quiz

To receive your certificate, you will need to complete the pre and post evaluations and pass the final quiz with a grade of 80% of higher. The multiple-choice quiz consists of 2-4 questions from each topic in the course.  You may rewrite the quiz, if necessary, and will automatically receive your certificate when you have achieved a passing score.



Nurses who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of completion and are awarded ANCC Contact Hours; non-healthcare participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

Nurses will be awarded with 60 CE hours upon completion of the course.




Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education

Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Nurse Coaching Certificate Program: An Integrative Approach to Holistic Care of Self & Others