Student Applicant Information
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Mailing Address
Emergency Contact
Please provide an emergency contact in the event that we are unable to contact you during the program.
Admission Questions
How did you first learn about our program?
Website Newsletter Social Media
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How did you first learn about our program?
Google Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Website Friend Referral
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Can we send your referral a thank you note?
Yes No
Please select the option below that best represents being a holistic nurse to you.
Providing care that acknowledges and incorporates things such as the individual’s lifestyle, mindset, worldview and/or beliefs, religious and/or spiritual ideologies, and more. Both providing care that acknowledges and incorporates things such as the individual’s lifestyle, mindset, worldview and/or beliefs, religious and/or spiritual ideologies, etc., as well as living and embodying a holistic lifestyle and mindset as a nurse
Please select the option below that best represents why you want to take the Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach, & Consultant Certificate Program.
Use my enhanced knowledge and skills at the bedside Use my enhanced knowledge and skills at the bedside and in independent practice Use my enhanced knowledge and skills in independent practice
Choose the one self-care practice or approach that you most hope is discussed and/or practiced in the program:
Breathwork Guided Imagery & Visualization Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping Essential oils Energy healing Mindfulness Culture (i.e. Indigenous) Cannabis
Education & Experience
Please upload a copy of your current registration (2MB max file size)
Please attach a current copy of your CV/Resume (2MB max file size)
Note: If you are unable to upload documents, please forward via email attachment to . Your application will be processed when received.
Nursing role:
Registered Nurse Nurse Practitioner Registered Practical Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Psychiatric Nurse
I have read and understand the Eligibility Requirements (link opens in a new window).
Yes No
I have read and understand the Tuition Payment & Refund Policy (link opens in a new window).
Yes No
I have read and understand the Course Agreements (link opens in a new window).
Yes No
Payment Options
Pay in Full Payment Plan
Exclusive 40% off offer for new registration applicants:
Are you are interested in:
Starting an independent nursing practice following graduation?
Enhancing your intuition and gaining a deeper understanding of spirituality?
Taking your knowledge of Complementary & Integrative Health to the next level?
Take advantage of the discounted supplemental courses below when you enroll in the Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach, & Consultant Certificate Program.
Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach, & Consultant Certificate Program ($6,495) Supplemental Courses
Business Development ($695, enroll now for $417.00) Spirituality: The Fourth Pillar of Health ($444, enroll now for $266.40) Complementary & Integrative Health Certificate ($1111, enroll now for $666.60)
You can visit the education page of our website to learn more about these courses.
Note: If you decide not to continue the comprehensive program and receive a refund, you will be responsible for the remaining 40% for the supplemental courses purchased in the bundle.
Course Start Dates:
October 2024 April 2025
I have read and understand the Terms & Conditions (link opens in a new window).
Yes No
Permission Statement
We like to capture special moments! These may be in the form of photographs, testimonials or poignant statements or testimonials shared by students in writing or in open discussion. Having said this, we would not share something personal in nature or that would be considered confidential (e.g. a personal story or struggle shared by a student).
An example of a statement we would share is "developing a deeper sense of self-awareness was the missing piece in truly caring for myself", or "I have seen the magic that can happen when nurses use a holistic approach in the palliative care setting". The intention is to celebrate and showcase the important work you are all doing and the importance of holistic nursing and nurse coaching for both the nurse and their clients. Places we post are on our social mediaplatforms and in our newsletters, quarterly journals, website, etc. To give credit where credit it due, we like to add your name or initials.
I agree to the use of my photo, testimonial and full name I agree to the use of my photo, testimonial and initials I disagree
By signing your name below, and clicking YES, you acknowledge that you have fully read this agreement and agree with the terms and conditions presented.
Yes No
Pay the $50 application fee via a major credit card