The Holistic Cannabis Nurse Program (2x payments)

The Holistic Cannabis Nurse Program (2x payments)

Plus HST

$1,995 + $50 registration fee.
The Holistic Cannabis Nursing Program will take you through a deep dive into understanding the ancient medicine of cannabis, the intricacies of this holistic healing modality and the powerful role of a nurse within cannabinoid care. Cannabis' unique history of being first an ancient healing tool, then a prohibited substance (based on morality), to its re-emergence as holistic medicine has created excitement for those suffering from chronic health conditions (i.e. chronic pain). Having said this, there is still a complex landscape of resistance related to stigma that we need to navigate.


Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education

Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Nurse Coaching Certificate Program: An Integrative Approach to Holistic Care of Self & Others